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Google PaLM


This integration does not support gemini-* models. Check Google AI.

The Google PaLM API can be integrated by first installing the required packages:

npm install google-auth-library @google-ai/generativelanguage @langchain/community

Create an API key from Google MakerSuite. You can then set the key as GOOGLE_PALM_API_KEY environment variable or pass it as apiKey parameter while instantiating the model.

import { GooglePaLM } from "@langchain/community/llms/googlepalm";

export const run = async () => {
const model = new GooglePaLM({
apiKey: "<YOUR API KEY>", // or set it in environment variable as `GOOGLE_PALM_API_KEY`
// other params
temperature: 1, // OPTIONAL
modelName: "models/text-bison-001", // OPTIONAL
maxOutputTokens: 1024, // OPTIONAL
topK: 40, // OPTIONAL
topP: 3, // OPTIONAL
safetySettings: [
stopSequences: ["stop"], // OPTIONAL
const res = await
"What would be a good company name for a company that makes colorful socks?"
console.log({ res });

API Reference:

  • GooglePaLM from @langchain/community/llms/googlepalm